Brunch Review: Pearl Raw Bar

In lieu of our new blog name, I thought it'd be fitting to actually do some brunch-themed posts. On top of that, I've ALWAYS wanted to be a food blogger, so basically there's no way I couldn't now do brunch reviews from around Richmond. So look forward to that happening every Sunday!

Here goes nothing. Up first, we've got Pearl Raw Bar.

A bit about my relationship with Pearl: I've been there three times. The first, with my roommates. We were all hungover as hell, and the waitress treated us as such. The second time I went with my sister and a roommate. 2 out of 3 of us were not hungover, and it was my favorite Pearl experience yet. The third time I went with a group of friends and the service was on par, but not memorable.

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Sara Does the Biggest Loser

I've read a lot about diets and workout exercises. I once watched an entire workout video too (sitting down). Unfortunately, none of those activities help you lose weight. I've written about my weight before, so it's no secret that I'm not known for my skinny, toned bod. I'm not grossly flabby either. I'm somewhere in the comfortable middle with some pounds to spare. Anyways, we were talking about losing holiday weight at work, and BAM, we (well -- I didn't really do anything to help) organized a Biggest Loser competition.

It'll include sharing recipes, workouts and motivation. We'll bring in healthy snacks, take walks around the lake and verbally assault each other when we're trying to sneak some cookies into our mouths. All things I can get down with. I wasn't planning on taking it too seriously (I mean, I'll have to lay off drinking and eating donuts if I want to win), UNTIL I realized this is an outright competition. We're doing weigh-ins, sending around updates and paying a tiny fee so that the winner gets a huge prize.

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Facebook: The Relationship Registry

Yesterday Facebook told me my friend was in a relationship. However, the other partner in this crime had yet to confirm the details, so I couldn’t stalk her beau.

Today I checked back to see who the mystery suitor was – except now there’s nothing. The crime scene has been cleaned up. Facebook simply provides me the option of asking for her relationship status.

 Excuse me, but what is that?

First of all, I only request my best friends’ relationship status when I’m bored at 10 PM on a Tuesday and obviously I already know they’re as single as that fifteenth cookie in a box of Samoas when the serving size is two. And when you ask for a relationship status, Facebook prompts you to return the favor by sharing your own status. As if the “You’re single, I’m single, let’s hook up” thing actually works.

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