As Told Over Brunch

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(Un)Lucky Ducks

Sometimes I think I'm an unlucky person, and then I reach my hand into my bag to grab my computer, and come out with a staple stuck under my nail. It's at that point that I realized I could probably remove the "I think" part of the previous sentence.

I'm the type to drop TV's on her foot. Get hit by falling mirrors. Drop my mug onto another mug so as to take a notch out of both of them.

Come to find out, it may run in the family, or so my dad said my grandma said. So maybe someone said it once at one time. And at the time it was said, I outrightly said I don't think I'm that unlucky. In the grand scheme of things, I am actually pretty lucky. My family is pretty great, I grew up in a good neighborhood, went to a great college and have been employed.

Sure, it's easy to get caught up in the moment and think that life is so difficult. And it's out to get me. And my life is harder than everyone else's.

When you think about it more though, you might just realize that your life had lots of moments that compete for most lucky moments. What are some of your luckiest moments?

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