Cazey Made Me Take a Personality Test and Now My Life Makes Sense

As you've probably been able to tell at this point in our blogging careers (can we use the word careers if we're doing this out of passion and not getting paid for it?), Cazey was a busy guy in college. He eventually became a leader in several organizations on campus, and one encouraged him to take personality tests. He talks about these tests frequently, but I blew him off for years.

I couldn't decipher the difference between personality tests and horoscopes. Both could be right by simply stating enough general traits that at least some will apply to you. I've read my horoscope before, and I barely think I'm making up that my daily horoscope once was, "Some days are better than others." Thanks for that deep insight, I feel like I know myself better now. So why bother taking a useless personality test to get the same general results?

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Sara was Published on Elite Daily!

Today is a really happy Monday! I have exciting news to share with everyone: my first post was published on Elite Daily! In it, I explore the difference between staying somewhere and settling just because it's comfortable.

Please read it, like it (if you do in fact like it), share it and write your comments under it! I love you all forever for supporting Cazey and I as we continue to expand our blog and writing repertoire. Now go check out my first Elite Daily post :):

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#SeekingFollowers: A Social Experiment

On Thursday, bored and avoiding work on three (three!) final projects, I decided to try an experiment: I wanted to see how many followers on Instagram I could get.

Instagram is by far my favorite social media platform, and that’s probably because I’m a pretentious, ironic millennial (read: hipster and maybe tack on wannabe). I also won’t lie, I watch my ratio of followers to who I follow. Followers are the currency of social standing. (And this is what makes me a wannabe hipster; a bonafide fair trade coffee-drinking, thick-rimmed glass-wearing, scarf-in-the-summer millennial isn’t concerned about these capitalistic, mainstream woes. At least theoretically.)

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