I liked her best friend, so obviously I had stalked her, too. After all, no one is safe when you're infatuated and can't sleep on a Monday night. But I was both impressed and flattered when she acknowledged she had done the same to me. Not that I expected differently.
"Oh, that's right," she interrupted me after asking what I studied. "I saw that on Facebook."
Check your friend requests: The Age of Social Media Sleuthing is upon us. In fact, it's anticipated.
In college, my friend and I used to race to see which of us could find a person online faster - we chose our victim from those whom we eavesdropped on at bars. LinkedIn's advent made that game boring. These days, I can Facebook stalk my brunch waitress while I wait for my pancakes and contemplate adding her since she did tell me her favorite drink here and her boyfriend likes hiking. We could hang out, right?
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