Is 'Different for Girls' Insulting for Girls?

I spent a lot of time in the car recently on a trip up to celebrate my grandad's 88th birthday. Along the way, I spent quite a bit of time rocking out to country stations, because nothing says road trip like some sweet country tunes. Then came on Dierks Bently's, "Different for Girls," song.

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And This Is My Dream Job?

By Mackenzie Louise*

Teacher crushes are such a cliché, they’re pretty uninteresting and passé. You wouldn’t think the English department of my small, Christian liberal arts college would nurture such clichés, but I guess Christians are known to relish in the taboo. Something about forbidden fruit.

I was disenchanted as a young grad with my otherwise honorable department. Four months out of college and back in town for a conference, I found myself talking to my (male) mentor and another (male) student about the department’s most recent hire: a young woman, intelligent, insightful, and personable. We were all excited about her arrival to campus, even I who would never take a class with her. I met her during her campus interview the semester before, and I had enjoyed talking to her; I could tell that she would challenge students and engage them personally. I was, frankly, jealous that I’d never be under her tutelage.

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